Tuesday 9 December 2014

What makes a digital marketing cloud?

What makes a digital marketing cloud?

Who is winning the Marketing Cloud wars?
There are at least 4 components that every digital marketing cloud should be offering:

1)      Multi-channel marketing automation – For publishing and promoting content that helps marketers engage customers across several different channels, particularly mobile and social. It also needs automation for the intelligent algorithms that sequence how that engagement happens.

2)      Content management tools – To create and manage the content and engagement tools that can be deployed across different channels.

3)      Social media tools – For listening to and engaging with social media networks to tap into consumer conversations, responding with custom content, or social media advertising.

4)      Analytics platform – To create profiles of consumers based on their online behavior, and evaluate which marketing campaigns are working and which aren't.

Here's a chart showing all the different marketing solutions being offered by each company in their digital marketing clouds:

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