Saturday 20 December 2014

Responsive Design: Coding a Responsive HTML Email

Responsive Design: Coding a Responsive HTML Email

Power Hour: Responsive Email Design

Thursday 11 December 2014

8 Mistakes to Avoid When Building a Demand Center

8 Mistakes to Avoid When Building a Demand Center     

Did you realize that prospects complete 60% of their research and evaluation of your product or services before they even want to talk with a sales rep? Prospects are more in control of the sales process than ever before, and this combined with the sales cycle increasing 22% over the last five years and the emergence of new technologies and channels in the marketing space mean that marketers’ job is harder than ever.

For these reasons, more and more companies are turning to the demand center model. A demand center acts as a hub for an organization’s marketing services, technologies and processes. Simply put, it provides a more cost-effective and efficient way to manage all the various demand generation activities, including social media, telemarketing, data management, lead nurturing, lead scoring, CRM integration, closed-loop reporting and more.

For many marketers, a demand center is a no-brainer. But when it comes to building your demand center, it can get a little tricky. Read this white paper to learn about the top eight mistakes marketers make when building demand centers and how to avoid them.

8 Mistakes to Avoid When Building a Demand Center 

Behaviour Driven Multi-Touch Campaign That Delivers Sales Ready Leads

Behaviour Driven Multi-Touch Campaign That Delivers Sales Ready Leads 

So now that you have your marketing automation tool ready, what’s next? Having an effective behavioural driven multi-touch campaign helps you shorten lead time by delivering sales ready leads.
Would you like to be able to improve your lead conversion ratio? Here is an approach taken to design a multi-touch renewal program that has:

  • Shorten lead time from 7 days to deliver sales ready leads in 4 hours
  • Bypass the need for manual intervention
  • Achieve a lead conversion rate of 40%
In designing a multi-touch campaign, it is important to first identify the various touch points in the customer’s buying journey. Understanding the various pain points at each stage helps you gain insights from the perspective of a customer, marketer and sales rep.

Are you targeting the right customer with the appropriate content type? How many and what types of questions are you asking your customer? What qualification processes are in place? Are your sales rep rejecting the leads because there is misalignment between marketing and sales?

Through customer segmentation, you will be able to effectively reach out to the right audience. Next, provide a seamless experience by asking only for relevant details from your customer. There has to be an agreement between sales and marketing on what constitutes to a lead. After which, eliminate unnecessary steps in the process to shorten lead time.

To reap the full benefits of a marketing automation tool, it is necessary to understand how it can be leveraged in your various marketing campaigns. Employ it not merely as a tool, but an extension to your team to drive sales ready leads.

Tuesday 9 December 2014

What makes a digital marketing cloud?

What makes a digital marketing cloud?

Who is winning the Marketing Cloud wars?
There are at least 4 components that every digital marketing cloud should be offering:

1)      Multi-channel marketing automation – For publishing and promoting content that helps marketers engage customers across several different channels, particularly mobile and social. It also needs automation for the intelligent algorithms that sequence how that engagement happens.

2)      Content management tools – To create and manage the content and engagement tools that can be deployed across different channels.

3)      Social media tools – For listening to and engaging with social media networks to tap into consumer conversations, responding with custom content, or social media advertising.

4)      Analytics platform – To create profiles of consumers based on their online behavior, and evaluate which marketing campaigns are working and which aren't.

Here's a chart showing all the different marketing solutions being offered by each company in their digital marketing clouds:

Product Branding Strategy Across Multiple Platforms

Product Branding  _  It is difficult to settle on one product branding definition because branding triggers an emotional connection in consumers.

How to brand a productWhat is product branding? Simply put, it is how a product interacts with its consumer audience through design, logo, and messaging. It is difficult to settle on one product branding definition because branding triggers an emotional connection in consumers. If done well, product branding can be maintained and produce a solid, well-connected connection throughout the life of the product. The challenge, however, lies in new media, licensing and social media, where the “message” might be communicated via the audience and not the expert branding professionals.

Product Branding Strategies Across Multiple Platforms looks at three top companies – Sesame Workshop, Activision and Coca-Cola – and how their creative teams worked together in branding a product so that its messages were clear and its design interconnected via numerous platforms.

Although the product branding definition hasn’t changed, the process of connecting consumers with products has. Product branding has challenged creative teams over the past decade as they work to deal with website content, package design, television shows, commercials, events, sponsorships and more. How do top companies like Coca-Cola, Activision and Sesame Workshop allow hundreds of licensees to produce products and still maintain the same concise product branding? Product Branding Strategies Across Multiple Platforms give insight into this issues, offering tips on how strong, accessible brands are maintained in the marketplace and consistent messaging even is realized even with hundreds of licensees and multiple brand extensions that can dilute messaging and continuity.

The HOW Brand is synonymous with design, inspiration, creativity and lifelong learning. The printed publication offers how-to columns on ways to build a freelance career, expand marketing efforts and generate more leads and inquiries. The community is made up of top designers, agency executives and in-house creative teams.

Although the product branding definition hasn’t changed, the process of connecting consumers with products has. Product branding has challenged creative teams over the past decade as they work to deal with website content, package design, television shows, commercials, events, sponsorships and more. How do top companies like Coca-Cola, Activision and Sesame Workshop allow hundreds of licensees to produce products and still maintain the same concise product branding? Product Branding Strategies Across Multiple Platforms give insight into this issues, offering tips on how strong, accessible brands are maintained in the marketplace and consistent messaging even is realized even with hundreds of licensees and multiple brand extensions that can dilute messaging and continuity.
The HOW Brand is synonymous with design, inspiration, creativity and lifelong learning. The printed publication offers how-to columns on ways to build a freelance career, expand marketing efforts and generate more leads and inquiries. The community is made up of top designers, agency executives and in-house creative teams.
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What is product branding? Simply put, it is how a product interacts with its consumer audience through design, logo, and messaging. It is difficult to settle on one product branding definition because branding triggers an emotional connection in consumers. If done well, product branding can be maintained and produce a solid, well-connected connection throughout the life of the product. The challenge, however, lies in new media, licensing and social media, where the “message” might be communicated via the audience and not the expert branding professionals.
Branding a product was much easier when there were no websites, smart phones, interactive games or social media. Today, creative teams are required to seamlessly brand products across multiple media, using the same voice, design and messaging, often with different creative teams and designers creating separate brand extensions. Product Branding Strategies Across Multiple Platforms looks at three top companies – Sesame Workshop, Activision and Coca-Cola – and how their creative teams worked together in branding a product so that its messages were clear and its design interconnected via numerous platforms.
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What is product branding? Simply put, it is how a product interacts with its consumer audience through design, logo, and messaging. It is difficult to settle on one product branding definition because branding triggers an emotional connection in consumers. If done well, product branding can be maintained and produce a solid, well-connected connection throughout the life of the product. The challenge, however, lies in new media, licensing and social media, where the “message” might be communicated via the audience and not the expert branding professionals.
Branding a product was much easier when there were no websites, smart phones, interactive games or social media. Today, creative teams are required to seamlessly brand products across multiple media, using the same voice, design and messaging, often with different creative teams and designers creating separate brand extensions. Product Branding Strategies Across Multiple Platforms looks at three top companies – Sesame Workshop, Activision and Coca-Cola – and how their creative teams worked together in branding a product so that its messages were clear and its design interconnected via numerous platforms.
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What is product branding? Simply put, it is how a product interacts with its consumer audience through design, logo, and messaging. It is difficult to settle on one product branding definition because branding triggers an emotional connection in consumers. If done well, product branding can be maintained and produce a solid, well-connected connection throughout the life of the product. The challenge, however, lies in new media, licensing and social media, where the “message” might be communicated via the audience and not the expert branding professionals.
Branding a product was much easier when there were no websites, smart phones, interactive games or social media. Today, creative teams are required to seamlessly brand products across multiple media, using the same voice, design and messaging, often with different creative teams and designers creating separate brand extensions. Product Branding Strategies Across Multiple Platforms looks at three top companies – Sesame Workshop, Activision and Coca-Cola – and how their creative teams worked together in branding a product so that its messages were clear and its design interconnected via numerous platforms.
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